NCIG Koorangang Island

NCIG Koorangang Island 1

Stage Two of works on the site includes a new rail unloading facility and rail sidings, an additional stacker/reclaimer and stockyards, additional conveyors and sample stations and an additional shiploader.

This stage will increase the capacity of the terminal from 30 million tonnes per year to 53 million tonnes.


Repipe supplied 2.5 kilometres of DN15 – DN250 API 5L pipework for the Fire & Dust suppression system. Repipe arranged to have the pipes roll grooved, galvanised and painted to the Clients specification as they were subjected to extreme environmental conditions.

The pipes were inspected by NCIG at each process stage, before delivery to nominated site locations. The turnaround time for each batch of 40 pipes was about three weeks.

Design Criteria
2.5klm of Fire Hydrant and Dust Suppression Pipe

Pipe DN15 – DN250 API 5L
Galvanised in accordance with AS4680-2006
Paint coating to NCIG Specification STD – 001 System DR13 Signal Red

Building Services Products supplied by:
Repipe Connections Pty Ltd – Newcastle

Hydraulic Consultant:
Wormald Fire

Fire Installation Contractor:
Wormald Fire

Completion Date: